Vixar Cartoon

Vixar Cartoon

Japanese version is here.


Please visit 'WRUX.NET' made with this 'Vixar Cartoon'!

Download - Version 2.11 - 11 Sep 2019
DirectX End-User Runtime - Please install this at first only.

User Resister

To use Vixar Cartoon, purchase for '3,410 yen' at Vector.


Outline Vixar Cartoon is 3D website authoring tool for Windows 7 or later without programming. Shareware.
Instructions The animation made with VixarCartoon looks like anime that characters are still and only camera moves.
Import vxba file(Vixar TransMotion, Vixar Motion), mqo file(Metasequoia), wav file(Sound), cartoon file(Vixar Cartoon)
Export html+js+css files(Vixar Cartoon Web Player), vxctp file(Vixar Cartoon Player), cartoon file(Vixar Cartoon)
Browser WebGL can be seen with IE11, Safari, Firefox, Chrome or Opera on Windows, Mac, iOS8 or Android.


How to use Vixar Cartoon


System Design Takeshi Onishi
Programing Takeshi Onishi
Graphics Takeshi Onishi, etc
